Aleksandra Mihaljenović
Aleksandra works as an Integrative Psychotherapist in private practice in Reykjavík. During her professional practice in Croatia she worked as a Clinical Psychologist at the Clinical Hospital in Zagreb, at the Clinic of Psychiatry. She went through…
Edda Arndal
Edda hefur sérhæft sig í para og fjölskylduráðgjöf, meðferð áfallastreitu einstaklinga og handleiðslu fagfólks. Sál-líkamleg nálgun (Somatics psychology), tengsla og kerfakenningar fjölskyldufræðanna, psychodynamiskar kenningar djúpsálfræðinnar og…
Hattie Rose Pacheco
Hattie is a psychotherapist who works with individuals ages 17 and older at a private practice in Reykjavík. Prior to her current role, she worked as a clinical therapist in a community mental health center in the United States, and has extensive…
Hildur Magnúsdóttir
Hildur Magnúsdóttir er sálmeðferðarfræðingur með samþætta (integrative) nálgun. Hildur veitir fullorðnum einstaklingum sálræna meðferð með sérhæfðri innri samtalsmeðferð; IFS partameðferð; Internal Family System Therapy.
Ivana Goláňová
Ivana is a CBT therapist, crisis intervention counselor and an endless student of psychology. She graduated from psychology in Charles University in Czech Republic with specialization in Clinical and Health Psychology and Cognitive Behavioral…
Lilja Steingrímsdóttir
Lilja Steingrímsdóttir starfar sem Bodynamic sálmeðferðarfræðingur. Meðferðin er líkams- og upplifunarmiðuð sálræn meðferð. Lilja lærði Bodynamic sálmeðfeð í Danmörku í fjögur ár og áfallameðferð í eitt ár og er meðlimur í fagfélagi danskra…
Margrét Gunnarsdóttir
Margrét veitir sálræna meðferð einstaklingum 18 ára og eldri, með áherslu á tengsl, samskipti, núvitund og órjúfanlegt samspil líkama, huga og tilfinninga. Hún vinnur út frá nútíma kenningum í taugavísindum, um tengsl og tengslamyndun, líkamsmiðaða…
Martina Blazev
I am a physician, consultant psychiatrist, with experience in general practice, psychiatry and psychotherapy. I graduated from University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Croatia in 2006. For the last 15 years I have been working at Department of…
Ólöf Dröfn Eggertsdóttir
Ólöf Dröfn er sálmeðferðafræðingur (e. psychotherapist) og lærð sem leiðbeinandi í Simplicity Parenting. Hún sinnir meðferð fullorðinna, sérhæfir sig í meðhöndlun á einstaklingum sem vinna í heilbrigðisþjónustu eins og læknum, hjúkrunarfræðingum,…
Todd Kulczyk
Todd currently works in private practice as an individual, couples & relationship psychotherapist. He has worked as a professor in the USA and taught a 2-day workshop at the University of Iceland. Todd is licensed in the United States of America,…
Vanitha Chandrasegaram
Vanitha currently works in private practice as an individual and group psychotherapist. She works with adults, teenagers and children from ages 6 and above, who face anxiety, depression, stress, burnout, life transitions, adapting to changes and…
Aleksandra Mihaljenović
Aleksandra works as an Integrative Psychotherapist in private practice in Reykjavík. During her professional practice in Croatia she worked as a Clinical Psychologist at the Clinical Hospital in Zagreb, at the Clinic of Psychiatry. She went through…
Edda Arndal
Edda hefur sérhæft sig í para og fjölskylduráðgjöf, meðferð áfallastreitu einstaklinga og handleiðslu fagfólks. Sál-líkamleg nálgun (Somatics psychology), tengsla og kerfakenningar fjölskyldufræðanna, psychodynamiskar kenningar djúpsálfræðinnar og…
Hattie Rose Pacheco
Hattie is a psychotherapist who works with individuals ages 17 and older at a private practice in Reykjavík. Prior to her current role, she worked as a clinical therapist in a community mental health center in the United States, and has extensive…
Hildur Magnúsdóttir
Hildur Magnúsdóttir er sálmeðferðarfræðingur með samþætta (integrative) nálgun. Hildur veitir fullorðnum einstaklingum sálræna meðferð með sérhæfðri innri samtalsmeðferð; IFS partameðferð; Internal Family System Therapy.
Ivana Goláňová
Ivana is a CBT therapist, crisis intervention counselor and an endless student of psychology. She graduated from psychology in Charles University in Czech Republic with specialization in Clinical and Health Psychology and Cognitive Behavioral…
Lilja Steingrímsdóttir
Lilja Steingrímsdóttir starfar sem Bodynamic sálmeðferðarfræðingur. Meðferðin er líkams- og upplifunarmiðuð sálræn meðferð. Lilja lærði Bodynamic sálmeðfeð í Danmörku í fjögur ár og áfallameðferð í eitt ár og er meðlimur í fagfélagi danskra…
Margrét Gunnarsdóttir
Margrét veitir sálræna meðferð einstaklingum 18 ára og eldri, með áherslu á tengsl, samskipti, núvitund og órjúfanlegt samspil líkama, huga og tilfinninga. Hún vinnur út frá nútíma kenningum í taugavísindum, um tengsl og tengslamyndun, líkamsmiðaða…
Martina Blazev
I am a physician, consultant psychiatrist, with experience in general practice, psychiatry and psychotherapy. I graduated from University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Croatia in 2006. For the last 15 years I have been working at Department of…
Ólöf Dröfn Eggertsdóttir
Ólöf Dröfn er sálmeðferðafræðingur (e. psychotherapist) og lærð sem leiðbeinandi í Simplicity Parenting. Hún sinnir meðferð fullorðinna, sérhæfir sig í meðhöndlun á einstaklingum sem vinna í heilbrigðisþjónustu eins og læknum, hjúkrunarfræðingum,…
Todd Kulczyk
Todd currently works in private practice as an individual, couples & relationship psychotherapist. He has worked as a professor in the USA and taught a 2-day workshop at the University of Iceland. Todd is licensed in the United States of America,…
Vanitha Chandrasegaram
Vanitha currently works in private practice as an individual and group psychotherapist. She works with adults, teenagers and children from ages 6 and above, who face anxiety, depression, stress, burnout, life transitions, adapting to changes and…